The Impact of Our Work

The Problem We Faced

In 2001, a group of local nurses, police officers, and sexual assault survivors came together to change our county’s response to sexual assault.

At that time, reporting a rape could mean:

  • Waiting 4-6 hours in a busy, public emergency room
  • Treatment by staff not trained in responding to sexual trauma
  • Incomplete evidence collection
  • Inconsistent after-care
  • A big hospital bill
  • Few perpetrators punished

As a result, only 1 in 10 sexual assault survivors in Oregon reported the crime against them. Few received the healing and justice they needed. And most assailants went free.

What We Made Possible

In 2005, we concentrated area services into a single, coordinated program that responds to all area hospitals: the SART Response Team program.

Now specially-trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs), victim advocates from Community Works’ SAVS, and local detectives approach each case as a team.

  • All SART services are free and available around the clock.
  • Survivors are cared for quickly in private hospital rooms.
  • Free medical screening, forensic evidence collection, and immediate emotional support are available to all survivors who wish them.
  • Police question survivors effectively and with understanding.
  • Anonymous evidence collection is available to allow survivors time to decide whether or not to press charges.
  • District attorney staff join the team if the case goes forward to trial.
  • A follow-up advocate helps coordinate survivors’ follow-up care, case progress, and healing.
  • Long-term healing groups are available to help people manage their trauma and reclaim their lives.

We Get Results

  • According to staff and administrators at all three hospitals we serve, care for victims has improved significantly.
  • Jackson County SART has more than doubled the rate at which survivors report their assaults to police, up from 40% of hospital-treated victims before our program began.
  • Evidence collection is now more frequent and more reliable.
  • Since sexual assailants average 8–12 victims each, every increase in investigation and prosecution benefits us all.

Local Services, National Impact

Our ground-breaking acute response program was cited as a model when the Oregon legislature passed Senate Bill 557 (an unfunded mandate), requiring every county to have a SART and SANE program. We are working closely with other Sexual Assault Response Teams across Oregon to aid their growth.

We are also working with the Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force to develop a K-12 prevention curriculum to share statewide.

And an ongoing collaboration—the award-winning You Have Options Program—is being adopted by law enforcement agencies in towns and cities and on college campuses nationwide as well as here in Jackson County, resulting in dramatically higher reporting of sexual assaults, more effective investigations and better victim care.


Our Organization


Our Mission

Jackson County SART works to ensure an effective, collaborative response to sexual assault that prioritizes victims’ needs and reduces the traumatic after-effects of this crime; to help bring more offenders to justice; and to prevent sexual violence through community engagement and change.



Executive Director

Susan Moen
Susan Moen has worked in the field of sexual assault since the early 1990’s, first as an advocate with the LA Commission on Assaults Against Women and then as co-founder of the Jackson County SART in 2005. For her work in furthering the development of Sexual Assault Response Teams in Oregon she was honored with the state SART award in 2010. She was also instrumental in developing SART’s expanding K-12 sexual violence prevention program. Susan is a Founding Board Member of the You Have Options Program and contributes to the Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force.

Board Members

Alan Binette, MD
Alan Binette specializes in obstetrics and gynecology with Asante.

Stefanie L. Burke

Michael Klein

Maylee Oddo
Maylee Oddo is CEO for Hycomb LLC and served as Board President for Ashland Independent Film Festival.

Kristen Roy, JD
Kristen Roy is Vice President, Legal Officer and General Counsel for Asante and serves on the board of Planned Parenthood.


Financial Information

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Contact Us

By emailcontact@jacksoncountysart.org
By mailJackson County SART
2305 Ashland Street, C-418
Ashland, OR 97520
For more information on our K-12 Prevention Programprevention@jacksoncountysart.org
If you need immediate helpCLICK HERE, or call Community Works HelpLine at any time for information and crisis support: (541) 779-4357